

Expert Witness

Compulsive Gambling

About Dr. Lorenz


Gaming corrupts our disposition and teaches us a habit of hostility against all mankind."

Thomas Jefferson


Offered Services


New Book Available!


Dr. Valerie Lorenz is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on compulsive gambling.  She has specialized in this field since 1973.  After many years acting as a contributing author, she has authored her first complete work on gambling addiction;   Compulsive Gambling: What’s It All About?”


For details on the book click on the image to the left.








Speaking Engagements


If you seek to contact Dr. Lorenz please DVL0001 click here.

Dr. Valerie Lorenz is one of the nation’s foremost   authorities on compulsive gambling.  She has specialized in this field since 1973; conducting research, educating organizations & individuals, training health and law enforcement professionals, and treating compulsive gamblers and their families.